1) The Islamic Scientific Manuscripts Initiative (ISMI) is ongoing; its mission is to make accessible online information on all Islamic manuscripts in the exact sciences. ISMI has recently moved from McGill University in Canada to Medeniyet University in Istanbul; collaboration with colleagues at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin continues, as does the central role of Sally Ragep. We hope to expand the project in the coming months and years and encourage scholars interested in contributing to the project to contact us: sally.ragep@mcgill.ca
2) I am in the process of completing several edition/translation projects that I have put off for far too long: a) an edition and translation of al-Jūzjānī Khilāṣ kayfiyyat tarkīb al-aflāk; b) an English translation of Ibrāhīm ibn Sinān’s work on the motions of the Sun.
3) I am also working on a book on the question of the Islamic background to the Copernican revolution. Projected publication date: 2025.
4) Sally Ragep and I have been asked to submit a proposal for a Very Short Introduction on Science in the Islamic
World (Oxford Univ. Press).