F. Jamil Ragep

Articles and Book Chapters
Book Reviews


"Shīrāzī’s Attitude Toward Philosophy: Some Preliminary Observations" (with Sally P. Ragep), to appear in a volume edited by Mustakim Arıcı, Asiye Aykıt, and Hasan Umut.

"The Genius of Nicholas Copernicus: An Islamic Perspective," forthcoming in Studia Copernicana 46 (Brepols).

"ʿAlī Qūshjī on the Earth’s Motion and Bīrjandī’s Critique," forthcoming in Nazariyat 10.2 (2024)


al-Risāla al-Muʿīniyya (al-Risāla al-Mughniya) and its Supplement. Volume II (English Translation of two Persian astronomical treatises by Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī, in collaboration with Fateme Savadi and Sajjad Nikfahm-Khubravan). Tehran: Miras-e Maktoob, 2024.{open access pdf}

Islamic Astronomy and Copernicus. Ankara: Turkish Academy of Sciences, 2022. {open access pdf}

Before Copernicus: The Cultures and Contexts of Scientific Learning in the Fifteenth Century, edited with Rivka Feldhay. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017. {publisher website}

Epistles of The Brethren Of Purity: On Astronomia: An Arabic Critical Edition and English Translation of Epistle 3. Edited and Translated by F. Jamil Ragep and Taro Mimura. Oxford: Oxford University Press, in association with The Institute of Ismaili Studies, 2015. {publisher website}

The Herbal of Al-Ghāfiqī: A Facsimile Edition of Ms 7508 in the Osler Library of the History of Medicine, McGill University, with Critical Essays (co-edited with Faith Wallis and with the assistance of Adam Gacek and Pamela Miller). Montreal & Kingston: Published for the Osler Library of McGill University by McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2014. {publisher website}

Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers (co-edited with Thomas Hockey et al.). 2 vols. New York: Springer, 2007. [Content editor for 157 articles.] {publisher website} {open access pdf} {link to Islamic astronomers}

Water in the Middle East: Cooperation and Technological Solutions in the Jordan Valley (co-edited with K. David Hambright and Joseph Ginat). Brighton: Sussex Academic Press, 2006. {publisher website}

Tradition, Transmission, Transformation: Proceedings of Two Conferences on Premodern Science Held at the University of Oklahoma (co-edited with S. P. Ragep and with the assistance of Steven J. Livesey). Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1996. {publisher website}

Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī’s Memoir on Astronomy (al-Tadhkira fī ʿilm al-hayʾa)
. Edition, Translation, Commentary and Introduction. 2 vols. Sources in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1993. [The edition has been republished, with a Persian translation of the introduction by Hasan Amini (Tehran: Miras-e Maktoob, 1394/2015).] {open access pdf}

Articles and Book Chapters

“Mathematics, the Mathematical Sciences, and Historical Contingency: Some Thoughts on Reading Netz,” edited by Karine Chemla and Reviel Netz. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 47/3–4 (September–December 2022): 464-477. {publisher website}

“The Origins of the Ṭūsī-Couple Revisited.” In Instruments – Observations – Theories: Studies in the History of Astronomy in Honor of James Evans, edited by Alexander Jones and Christián Carman, 2020, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3928498, pp. 229–237. Open access distribution under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY) license. {open access pdf}

“Astronomical and Other Mathematical Sciences” (with S. Ragep, S. Nikfahm-Khubravan, F. Savadi, and H. Umut). In Treasures of Knowledge: An Inventory of the Ottoman Palace Library (1502/3 – 1503/4), edited by Gülru Necipoğlu, Cemal Kafadar, and Cornell H. Fleischer, pp. 823–855. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2019. {publisher website}

“The Mercury Models of Ibn al-Šāṭir and Copernicus” (with Sajjad Nikfahm-Khubravan). Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 29 (2019): 1–59. {open access pdf} {Animations} {article online}

“Ibn al-Shāṭir” (with S. Nikfahm-Khubravan). In Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2019. {link to publisher's website} {open access pdf}

“Knowledge and (Dis)belief,” In Surprise, edited by Mechthild Fend, Anke te Heesen, Christine von Oertzen, and Fernando Vidal, pp. 320-322. Berlin: Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, 2019.{pdf}

“Khiyūniyādis” [Chioniades].” In Dāʾirat al-Maʿārif-i Buzurg-i Islāmī (Iran) [Great Islamic Encyclopedia], vol. 23, pp. 355–358. Tehran: Markaz-i Dāʾirat al-Maʿārif-i Buzurg-i Islāmī, 1396 [2018] [in Persian]. {open access pdf of original English}

“From Tūn to Toruń: The Twists and Turns of the Ṭūsī-Couple.” In Before Copernicus: The Cultures and Contexts of Scientific Learning in the Fifteenth Century, edited by Rivka Feldhay and F. Jamil Ragep, pp. 161–197. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, June 2017. {publisher website} {open access pdf}

“Ibn al-Shāṭir and Copernicus: The Uppsala Notes Revisited.” Journal for the History of Astronomy 47 (Nov. 2016): 395–415. {open access pdf}

“Archimedes Among the Ottomans: An Updated Survey” (with İhsan Fazlıoğlu). In From Alexandria, through Baghdad : Surveys and Studies in the Ancient Greek and Medieval Islamic Mathematical Sciences in Honor of J.L. Berggren, edited by Nathan Sidoli and Glen Van Brummelen, pp. 239–253. New York: Springer, 2014. {publisher website}

“New Light on Shams: The Islamic Side of Σὰμψ Πουχάρης.” In Politics, Patronage, and the Transmission of Knowledge in 13th - 15th Century Tabriz, edited by Judith Pfeiffer, pp. 231–247. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2014.
{open access pdf}

“Islamic Culture and the Natural Sciences.” In The Cambridge History of Science, edited by David Lindberg and Michael Shank, vol. 2: Medieval Science, pp. 27–61. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. {publisher website}

“Shīrāzī’s Nihāyat al-idrāk: Introduction and Conclusion.” Tarikh-e Elm (Tehran, Iran) 11 (2013): 41–57. {pdf}

“The Origins of the Ṭūsī Couple Revisited.” In Proceedings of the “Scientific and Philosophical Heritage of Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī” Conference, 23-24 Feb. 2011. Tehran, Iran: Miras Maktoob [Persian in press; English version published in Instruments – Observations – Theories: Studies in the History of Astronomy in Honor of James Evans, 2020 {open access pdf}.]

“Die Macht der Vernunft – eine Wissensperspektive.” In Vielfalt der Moderne – Ansichten der Moderne, edited by Hans Joas, pp. 67–90. Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer Verlag, 2012. [In German; the English version, “The Power of Reason – Views of Knowledge.” {pdf}]

“Astronomy in the Fanārī-Circle: The Critical Background for Qāḍīzāde al-Rūmī and the Samarqand School.” In Uluslararası Molla Fenârî Sempozyumu (4-6 Aralık 2009 Bursa) (International symposium on Molla Fanārī, 4-6 December 2009 Bursa), edited by Tevfik Yücedoğru, Orhan Koloğlu, U. Murat Kılavuz, and Kadir Gömbeyaz, pp. 165–176. Bursa: Bursa Büyükşehir Belediyesi, 2010. {pdf}

"Islamic Reactions to Ptolemy’s Imprecisions.” In Ptolemy in Perspective, edited by Alexander Jones, pp. 121–134. Dordrecht; New York: Springer-Verlag, 2010. {open access pdf}

“The Khilāṣ kayfiyyat tarkīb al-aflāk of al-Jūzjānī: A Preliminary Description of Its Avicennian Themes.” In Avicenna and his Legacy: A Golden Age of Science and Philosophy, edited by Y. Tzvi Langermann, pp. 303–308.Turnhout: Brepols, 2010. {publisher website}

“Astronomy.” In Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2009. {publisher website}

“The Islamic Scientific Manuscript Initiative (ISMI): Towards a Sociology of the Exact Sciences in Islam” (with Sally P. Ragep). In A Shared Legacy: Islamic Science East and West. Homage to Professor J. M. Millàs Vallicrosa, edited by Emilia Calvo, Mercè Comes, Roser Puig, and Monica Rius, pp. 15–21. Barcelona: University of Barcelona, 2008. {pdf}

“Quṭb al-Dīn…al-Shīrāzī.” In New Dictionary of Scientific Biography, edited by Noretta Koertge, vol. 6, pp. 187–189. Detroit: Charles Scribner’s Sons/Thomson Gale, 2008. {online version}

“When Did Islamic Science Die (and Who Cares)?” Newsletter of the British Society for the History of Science 85 (Feb. 2008): 1–3. {Persian translation in Nojum Magazine (Iran)} {pdf}

“Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī.” In Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, pp. 1153–1155. New York: Springer, 2007. {online version}; 2nd ed., 2014, pp. 2186–2188.

“Quṭb al-Dīn al-Shīrāzī.” In Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, pp.1054–1055. New York: Springer, 2007. {online version}; 2nd ed., 2014, pp. 1999–2001.

“Qāḍīzāde al-Rūmī.” In Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, p. 942. New York: Springer, 2007. {online version}; 2nd ed., 2014, pp. 1780–1781.

“al-Ādamī” (with Marvin Bolt). In Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, p. 12. New York: Springer, 2007. {online version}; 2nd ed., 2014, pp. 19–20.

“Copernicus and His Islamic Predecessors: Some Historical Remarks.” History of Science 45 (2007): 65–81. [updated from 2004] {open access pdf}

“On Dating Jaghmīnī and His Mulakhkhaṣ.” In Essays in Honour of Ekmeleddin Ihsanoğlu, edited by Mustafa Kaçar and Zeynep Durukal, pp. 461–466. Istanbul: IRCICA, 2006.

“Juft-i Ṭūsī (the Ṭūsī Couple)” (with B. Hashemipour). In The Encyclopaedia of the World of Islam, vol. X, pp. 472–475. Tehran: Encyclopaedia Islamica Foundation, 2006. [in Persian]

“ʿAlī Qushjī and Regiomontanus: Eccentric Transformations and Copernican Revolutions.” Journal for the History of Astronomy 36/4 (2005): 359–371. [Translated into Turkish by Yavuz Unat as “Ali Kuşçu ve Regiomontanus: Dişmerkezli Dönüşümler ve Kopernik Devrimi.” Osmanlı Bilimi AraştırmalarıVIII/1 (2006): 81–96.] {open access pdf}

“Copernicus and His Islamic Predecessors: Some Historical Remarks.” Filozofski vestnik 25/2 (2004): 125–142.

“Ibn al-Haytham and Eudoxus: The Revival of Homocentric Modeling in Islam.” In Studies in the History of the Exact Sciences in Honour of David Pingree, edited by Charles Burnett, Jan P. Hogendijk, Kim Plofker, and Michio Yano, pp. 786–809. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2004. {open access pdf}

“Ḳāḍīzāde Rūmī.” In The Encyclopaedia of Islam, 2nd ed., vol. XII, p. 502. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2004.

“The Astronomical and Cosmological Works of Ibn Sīnā: Some Preliminary Remarks” (with S. Ragep). In Sciences, techniques et instruments dans le monde iranien (Xe–XIXe siècle), études réunies et présentées par N. Pourjavady et Ž. Vesel, pp. 3–15. Tehran, 2004.

“The Tadhkira by al-Ṭūsī.” In The Encyclopaedia of the World of Islam, vol. VI, pp. 790–793. Tehran: Encyclopaedia Islamica Foundation, 2002. [in Persian]

“Zuḥal” (Saturn) and “Zuhara” (Venus)
[2 separate articles]. In The Encyclopaedia of Islam, 2nd ed., vol. XI, pp. 555–556. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2002.

“Ṭūsī and Copernicus: The Earth’s Motion in Context.” Science in Context 14, nos. 1-2 (2001): 145–163. [Persian trans. as “Ṭūsī wa Kūpirnīk: ‘ḥarakat zamīn’ dar mutūn nujūmī”, Farhang 20, nos. 61-62 (2007): 31–56.]
{open access pdf}

“Freeing Astronomy from Philosophy: An Aspect of Islamic Influence on Science.” Osiris 16 (2001): 49–71. {open access pdf}

“The Persian Context of the Ṭūsī Couple.” In Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī: Philosophe et Savant du XIIIe Siècle, edited by N. Pourjavady and Ž. Vesel, pp. 113–130. Tehran: Institut français de recherche en Iran/Presses universitaires d’Iran, 2000.

“Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī” (with H. Daiber). In The Encyclopaedia of Islam, 2nd ed., vol. X, pp. 750–752. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2000.

“al-Hāshimī,” “Hayʾa,” and “Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī” [3 separate articles]. In Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures, edited by Helaine Selin, pp. 394–397, 757–758. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.

“Arabic/Islamic Astronomy.” In History of Astronomy: An Encyclopedia, edited by J. Lankford, pp. 17–21. New York: Garland, 1997.

“Al-Battānī, Cosmology, and the Early History of Trepidation in Islam.” In From Baghdad to Barcelona. Essays on the History of the Islamic Exact Sciences in Honour of Prof. Juan Vernet, edited by Josep Casulleras and Julio Samsó, pp. 267–298. Barcelona: Universidad de Barcelona. Facultad de Filología, 1996. {open access pdf}

“Sonne Astronomie [sun, astronomical].” In Lexikon des Mittelalters, 9 vols. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 1999. [In vol. 7; originally published by LexMa Verlag (Munich), 1995.]

“Duhem, the Arabs, and the History of Cosmology.” Synthese 83 (1990): 201–214. {publisher website}

“The Two Versions of the Ṭūsī Couple.” In From Deferent to Equant: Studies in Honor of E.S. Kennedy, edited by David King and George Saliba, pp. 329–356. Vol. 500 of The Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1987.
{open access pdf}

“A Description of Ẓāhiriyya (Damascus) MS 4871: A Philosophical and Scientific Collection” (with E. S. Kennedy). The Journal for the History of Arabic Science 5 (1981): 85–108.

Book Reviews

“Review of Revealed Sciences: The Natural Sciences in Islam in Seventeenth-Century Morocco by Justin K. Stearns.” Journal of Islamic Studies 34.3 (2023): 419–423.

“Review of Success and Suppression: Arabic Sciences and Philosophy in the Renaissance by Dag Nikolaus Hasse.” Renaissance Quarterly 71.1 (2018): 262–264.

“Review of The Impact of Arabic Sciences in Europe and Asia, edited by Agostino Paravicini Bagliani.” Isis 109, no.1 (March 2018): 168–170.

“Review of An Eleventh-Century Egyptian Guide to the Universe: The Book of Curiosities, edited by Yossef Rapoport and Emilie Savage-Smith.” Journal for the History of Astronomy 47 (Nov. 2016): 428–429.

“Review of Al-Ghazālī’s Philosophical Theology by Frank Griffel.” Isis 101, no. 4 (Dec. 2010): 867–868.

“Review of The Beginnings of Western Science by David C. Lindberg, 2nd edition. Isis 100, no. 2 (2009): 383–385.

“Review of A Brief Introduction to Astronomy in the Middle East by John M. Steele.” Journal for the History of Astronomy 40 (August 2009): 346–347.

“Review of Islamic Science and the Making of the European Renaissance by George Saliba.” Renaissance Quarterly (Spring 2008): 245–247.

“Review of Islam and Science by Muzaffar Iqbal.” Studies in Contemporary Islam, vol. 10, numbers 1-2 (Spring and Fall 2008): 161–164.

“Review of History of Islamic Philosophy, edited by S.H. Nasr and O. Leaman.” Isis 95 (2004): 336–337.

“Review of World-maps for Finding the Direction and Distance to Mecca by David A. King.” Journal for the History of Astronomy 32,2 (May 2001): 171–172.

“Essay Review of The History and Practice of Ancient Astronomy by James Evans.” Early Science and Medicine 5,4 (2000): 394–395.

“Review of Astronomy and Astrology in the Medieval Islamic World by Edward S. Kennedy.” Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 34,2 (Winter 2000): 257–258.

“Essay Review of Planets, Stars, and Orbs: The Medieval Cosmos, 1200-1687 by Edward Grant.” Speculum 75,1(Jan. 2000): 184–186.

“Essay Review of An Islamic Response to Greek Astronomy: Kitāb taʿdīl hayʾat al-aflāk of Ṣadr al-Sharīʿa by Ahmad S. Dallal (ed. and trans.).” Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften, vol. 11 (1997): 365–369.

“Review of A History of Arabic Astronomy: Planetary Theories during the Golden Age of Islam by George Saliba.” Isis 87 (March 1996): 154–155.

“Review of Studies on Gersonides: A Fourteenth-Century Jewish Philosopher Scientist, edited by Gad Freudenthal.” The British Journal for the History of Science 28 (March 1995): 103–105.

“Review of An Introduction to Islamic Cosmological Doctrines by Seyyed Hossein Nasr.” Isis 85 (September 1994): 504–505.

“Review of Ṣāʿid al-Andalusī, Science in the Medieval World, translated by Semaʿan I. Salem and Alok Kumar.” Isis 85 (March 1994): 145–146.

“Essay Review of Thābit Ibn Qurra: Œuvres d’Astronomie, edited and translated by Régis Morelon.” Journal for the History of Astronomy 23 (1992): 61–63.

“Review of Islamic Mathematical Astronomy by David A. King.” Nuncius 6 (1991): 211–213.

“Review of Über eine anwāʾ-Tradition mit bisher unbekannten Sternnamen by Paul Kunitzsch.” Journal of the American Oriental Society 108.3 (1988): 496.

“Review of Studies in the Exact Sciences in Medieval Islam by Ali A. al-Daffa and John J. Stroyls.” Speculum 62 (April 1987): 493–494.

“Review of Islamic Calendar, Times & Qibla by Mohammad Ilyas.” Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 80 (1986): 299–301.

“Review of Medieval Islamic Medicine by Michael W. Dols and Adil S. Gamal.” Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 19 (July 1985): 112–113.

“Review of Islamic Cosmology by Anton Heinen.” The Journal for the History of Astronomy 16 (June 1985): 146–149.

“Review of al-Hāshimī’s ʿIlāl al-Zījāt, trans. and comm. by E. S. Kennedy, David Pingree and Fuad Haddad.” Isis 76 (March 1985): 123–124.

“Review of Planispheric Astrolabes from the National Museum of American History by S. Gibbs with G. Saliba.” Archaeoastronomy 8 (1985): 174–175.

“Review of Al-Bīrūnī: Commemorative Volume.” The Journal for the History of Astronomy 14 (June 1983): 144–146. 

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