Sally P. Ragep
Courses and Supervision


Courses Taught at McGill University

“Codicology and Textual Editing” [ISLA 788; grad seminar] (co-taught with F.J. Ragep), Fall 2016

There are 2 components of this seminar: 1) exploring Islamic codicology, especially its relevance for the study of Islamic scientific manuscripts; and 2) providing students with guidance on how to edit Islamic scientific manuscripts. Each student has the opportunity to edit a manuscript of her/his own choosing, preferably within the broad field of Islamic science. Knowledge of Arabic at least at the upper intermediate level is assumed and required.

“Science and Civilization in Islam” [ISLA 345; upper division undergrad course] (co-taught with Ihsan Fazlıoğlu), Winter 2011 [syllabus]

History of scientific traditions and ideas in Islamic civilization, from the origins of Islam to the early modern period. Emphasis is on the derivation, development, and transmissions of Islamic
science -- which includes the disciplines of medicine and biology; optics and vision; mathematics; and astronomy -- as well as on the assimilation and influence of science within Islamic societies.

“Science and Civilization in Islam” (co-taught with F.J. Ragep), Winter 2012, Fall 2014, and Winter 2016

Course Taught at Williams College

“Science and Civilization in Islam” [Arab 238; undergraduate] (co-taught with F.J. Ragep), Fall 2017 [syllabus]


University of Oklahoma

“Women in the Middle East” [Anthropology Dept.; 4 lectures for Linda S. Walbridge, visiting professor), Spring 2002


Supervision of work and research related to the ISMI Database Project [9 graduate students and 5 undergraduates at McGill from 2007-2020]


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