Sanad ibn
ʿAlī: Abū
al‐Ṭayyib Sanad
ibn ʿAlī al‐Yahūdī
Sonja Brentjes
Flourished Baghdad, (Iraq),
9th century
ibn ʿAlī was an active
mathematician and astronomer in Baghdad during the 9th century and worked
as an astrologer for Caliph Maʾmūn.
Sanad was the son of a Jewish astrologer who worked in Baghdad and counted
among his clients people from the ʿAbbāsid court. Sanad
converted to Islam responding to the lure exercised by the caliph.
In his youth, Sanad studied by himself several scientific books, among
them the Almagest. He tried to gain access to the illustrious circle
of scholars around ʿAbbās
ibn Saʿīd
al‐Jawharī (first half of the 9th century),
who regularly met in his house to discuss the latest scholarly and social
news. But being merely 20 years old at this time proved to be an obstacle.
According to a story told by Aḥmad ibn Yūsuf ibn al‐Dāya
(died: circa 952) on the authority of Abū Kāmil Shujāʿ ibn
Aslam (circa 850circa 930), Sanad convinced Jawharī
of his superior knowledge of the Almagest. As a result, Sanad was
not only permitted to stay and take part in the talks of the illustrious
circle, but Jawharī, who was a companion of the caliph, also introduced
him to Maʾmūn and recommended him as a new, promising servant.
wrote four mathematical texts on algebra, Indian arithmetic, mental calculation,
and Euclidean irrational quantities, the latter being one of the earliest
commentaries on Book X of Euclid's Elements. He composed a zīj
(astronomical handbook) and explained a method for determining the circumference
of the Earth by observations of the Sun. There is also a report by Bīrūnī
in his The Determination of the Coordinates of Cities (Ali, 1967,
pp. 185186) that Sanad had found the size of the Earth by measuring the
dip of the horizon from the summit of a high mountain, a method later used
to good effect by Bīrūnī himself; this had been done in
the company of Maʾmūn when he made his campaign against the Byzantines.
His zīj is presumably lost, and thus it is unclear how it was
related to the famous so called al‐Zīj al‐mumtaḥan
(The verified zīj) produced by a group of astronomers from Maʾmūn's
built and headed an observatory behind the Bāb Shammāsiyya in
Baghdad, collaborating there with a group of observers. According to an
account of the Egyptian astronomer Ibn Yūnus
of the astronomical excursions carried out by the court astronomers in Maʾmūn's
lifetime, Sanad had himself written such an account in which he claimed
to have participated in one of these expeditions. However, R. Mercier, and
following him D. King, doubt the authenticity of both these claims.
Selected References
ibn Yūsuf al‐Kātib (1975). Kitāb al‐Mukāfaʾa.
Beirut: Dār al‐waḥda.
Ali, Jamil (trans.)
(1967). The Determination of the Coordinates of Cities: Al‐Bīrūnī's
Taḥdīd al‐Amākin. Beirut: American University of Beirut.
Ibn al‐Nadīm (1970). The Fihrist of al‐Nadīm:
A Tenth‐Century Survey of Muslim Culture, edited and translated
by Bayard Dodge. 2 Vols. New York: Columbia University Press.
King, David (2000). Too Many Cooks
A New Account of the Earliest
Muslim Geodetic Measurements. Suhayl 1: 207241.
Mercier, Raymond P.
(1992). Geodesy. In The History of Cartography. Vol. 2, bk. 1, Cartography
in the Traditional Islamic and South Asian Societies, edited by J. B.
Harley and David Woodward, pp. 175188. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Rosenfeld, B. A. and Ekmeleddin Ihsanoğlu (2003). Mathematicians,
Astronomers, and Other Scholars of Islamic Civilization and Their Works
(7th 19thc.). Istanbul: IRCICA, pp. 2829.