From: Thomas Hockey et al. (eds.). The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, Springer Reference. New York: Springer, 2007, p. 623 |
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Setsuro Ikeyama
Flourished Nandod, (Gujaret,
India), 1496–1507
established a line of astronomers in Nandigrāma (Nandod). He was the
son of Kamālakara of the Kauśikagotra and the pupil of Vaijanātha.
Keśava's three sons, Ananta, Gaṇeśa,
and Rāma, were also noted astronomers. Gaṇeśa
listed more than ten works of his father but only six survive: the Grahakautuka,
a treatise on astronomy composed in 1496; the Jātakapaddhati,
a popular treatise on horoscopy usually accompanied by a commentary with tables;
the Jātakapaddhativivṛti, a commentary on the preceding; the Tājikapaddhati,
a work on annual predictions based on Islamic astrology; the Muhūrtatattva,
a work on catarchic astrology; and the Sudhīrańjaṇī.
Dikshit, S. B. (1896). Bhāratīya Jyotisha.
Poona. (English translation by R. V. Vaidya. 2 pts. New Delhi: Government
of India Press, Controller of Publications, 1969, 1981.)
Dvivedin, Sudhākara (1892). “Gaṇakataran.ginī.” Pandit,
n.s. 14: 53–55. (Reprinted as Gaṇakatarańginī. Benares, 1933.)
Pingree, David. Census of the Exact Sciences in Sanskrit.
Series A. Vol. 2 (1971): 65b–74a; Vol. 3 (1976): 24a; Vol. 4 (1981): 64a–66a;
Vol. 5 (1994): 56a–59b. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society.
——— (1973). “Keśava.”
In Dictionary of Scientific Biography, edited by Charles Coulston Gillispie.
Vol. 7, pp. 314–316. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons.
——— (1981). Jyotiḥśāstra. Wiesbaden:
Otto Harrassowitz.