Kāshī: Ghiyāth
(al‐Milla wa‐)
al‐Dīn Jamshīd
ibn Masʿūd ibn
al‐Kāshī [al‐Kāshānī]
Petra G. Schmidl
Died Samarqand, (Uzbekistan),
possibly 22 June 1429
was one of the most accomplished and prolific scientists at the Samarqand
Observatory, which itself was one of the preeminent scientific institutions
of the 15th century. Kāshī was born in Kāshān in northern
Iran and had long worked on astronomical problems before finding a patron.
Despite being a physician (as he mentions at the end of his Risāla
dar sharḥ‐i ālāt‐i raṣd),
he tells us in his Zīj that he had lived in poverty in various
cities of central Iran, mostly in his hometown. Kāshī first found
patronage in Herat at the court of Shāh Rukh, son of Tīmūr
and father of Ulugh Beg. On 2 June
1406 Kāshī was back in Kāshān, where he witnessed an
eclipse of the Moon, as he did also in 1407 as well as in 1416 at which
time he presented his book the Nuzha. Presumably between 1417 and
1419 Kāshī was invited to Samarqand by Ulugh Beg. It was most
likely in 1420 that he made the long journey north to Samarqand, where he
joined the scientific circle at the residence of the prince. Under Ulugh
Beg's sponsorship, Kāshī finally obtained a secure and honorable
position, becoming the prince's closest collaborator and consultant. In
the introduction of Ulugh Beg's Zīj (astronomical handbook with
tables), Kāshī is singled out for praise. When the observatory
was founded in 1420, Kāshī took part in its construction, organization,
and provision, as well as in the preparation of Ulugh Beg's Zīj.
During this time, he traveled with the royal retinue to Bukhārā,
as he mentions in the letters to his father. Kāshī, the most prominent
of the scholars associated with Ulugh Beg's learned staff, spent the rest
of his life as a distinguished scientist in Samarqand, where he died, leaving
incomplete the observations required for Ulugh Beg's Zīj.
Kāshī wrote a number of important mathematical treatises, we will
here be concerned only with his astronomical works. It is worth mentioning,
though, that he was a remarkable computational mathematician whose calculations
of sin 1° (correct to 18 decimal places) and π (correct to 16 decimal
places) were to remain unsurpassed for some time.
while living in Kāshān, Kāshī wrote two minor astronomical
treatises. The first, entitled either the Sullam al‐samāʾ
or the Risāla kamāliyya, dealt with the sizes and distances
of the celestial bodies. Completed on 1 March 1407, it is dedicated to a
vizier named Kamāl al‐Dīn Maḥmūd and is preserved in
several copies. The second is the Mukhtaṣar dar ʿilm‐i
hayʾat, a compendium on astronomy
written in 1410/1411 for a certain Sultan Iskandar, probably a nephew of
Shāh Rukh and a cousin of Ulugh Beg; it is preserved in two Persian
manuscripts in London and Yazd.
In 1413/1414 Kāshī completed his Zīj‐i Khāqānī,
which was either dedicated to Shāh Rukh, for Kāshī was staying
in Herat in this time, or to Ulugh Beg, for he says in the Zīj‐i
Khāqānī that he would not have been able to finish his
work without the support of the prince. Kāshī's Zīj,
preserved in several Persian copies, is organized in six treatises and starts
with an introduction in which Kāshī pays respect to Naṣīr al‐Dīn al‐Ṭūsī, but expresses his dissatisfaction
with much of Ṭūsī's Īlkhānī Zīj, which Kāshī
proposes to correct. The first treatise of Kāshī's Zīj
contains the chronological section with a description of the common calendars
in use; the second the mathematical section with a presentation of the standard
trigonometric and astronomical functions; the third and fourth the spherical
astronomy section with procedures and solutions of problems in spherical
astronomy including tables; the fifth different solutions for the determination
of the ascendant; and the sixth astrological material. Each treatise includes
an introduction with a glossary of technical terms, and two chapters with
solutions, computations, and proofs. The tables computed by Kāshī
use pure sexagesimals; the sine tables give four sexagesimal places for
each minute of arc. Kāshī also mentions some observational instruments
such as the mural quadrant and the revolving parallactic ruler, seemingly
the “perfect instrument” of ʿUrḍī.
In January 1416, presumably in Kāshān, Kāshī composed
by order of Sultan Iskandar, possibly the Qarā‐Qoyunlu king,
the Risāla dar sharḥ‐i ālāt‐i raṣd,
a commentary on observational instruments, preserved in two Persian manuscripts
in Leiden and Tehran. Most of the instruments described by Kāshī
are mentioned by Ptolemy,
and/or listed in ʿUrḍī,
such as the parallactic ruler for the measurement of zenith distances, an
armillary sphere as well as an equinoctial, and a solstitial armilla. Further,
he describes the Fakhrī sextant, used for the measurement of the altitude
of stars. This instrument, invented by Khujandī
about 1000 in Rayy, was also described by Marrākushī
and confirmed by Bīrūnī.
Kāshī's treatise demonstrates clearly that he had some knowledge
on the observatory in Marāgha. His work represents a connecting link
between these two great centers of medieval astronomical activity, centers
whose influence reached at least as far as Istanbul to the west, and China
and India to the east, if not to the earliest European observatories.
In the
Nuzhat al‐ḥadāʾiq Kāshī describes
two instruments that he invented, the “plate of heavens” and the “plate
of conjunctions.” The first version of this text was finished in Kāshān
on 10 February 1416, which is preserved in an Arabic manuscript in London.
The second version was revised in Samarqand in June 1426. It is only known
in a lithographic edition of some of Kāshī's works, printed in
Tehran 1888/1889. The “plate of heavens” is a planetary equatorium, a computing
instrument to find the true position of a planet, an alternative to lengthy
numerical computations by means of reducing an essentially three‐dimensional
problem to a succession of two‐dimensional operations. Kāshī's
“plate of heavens” is the only example recovered from the lands of eastern
Islam, and moreover, the most compact, which includes a method for the determination
of planetary longitudes as well as latitudes. His “plate of conjunctions”
is a simple device for performing linear interpolation, a mechanical application
of elementary geometry, for ascertaining the time of day at which expected
planetary conjunctions will occur.
these works, Kāshī wrote numerous minor astronomical treatises.
In his Taʿrīb al‐zīj, preserved
in Leiden and Tashkent, he translated the introduction of Ulugh Beg's Zīj
from Persian into Arabic, the translation being completed during Kāshī's
lifetime. Further, he wrote the Miftāḥ al‐asbāb fī
ʿilm al‐zīj (The key of the causes in the science of astronomical
tables), extant in an Arabic manuscript in Mosul; the Risāla dar
sakht‐i asṭurlāb, on the construction
of the astrolabe, extant in a Persian manuscript in Meshed; and the Risāla
fī maʿrifat
samt al‐qibla min dāʾira hindiyya maʿrūfa,
on the determination of the qibla by means of the “Indian circle,”
extant in an Arabic manuscript in Meshed. The Zīj al‐tashīlāt,
which Kāshī mentions in his Miftāḥ
al‐ḥisāb, seems not to be extant.
The alleged al‐Risāla al‐iqlīlāmina (mentioned
by Kennedy in Planetary Equatorium, p. 7) is a misattribution based
on a misreading.
they are not astronomical treatises, two letters that Kāshī sent
from Samarqand to his father in Kāshān are nonetheless very informative.
The first of them, preserved in Tehran, was written about 1423. Because
Kāshī believed it was lost, sometime after the first letter he
composed a second, which contains descriptions similar to that in the first,
but also includes some new information. It is preserved in three Persian
manuscripts in Tehran. Both letters describe Ulugh Beg as a generous and
learned man. Kāshī praises his erudition and mathematical capacity,
and gives a picture of the prince as a scientist among those brought together
and patronized by him. The observatory was founded as Kāshī had
suggested, quite similar to the earlier observatory in Marāgha. Its
building was aligned in the meridian on the top of a rock, in which parts
of the Fakhrī sextant are carved, with a flat roof for the placing
of further instruments. Kāshī mentions several instruments constructed
for the observatory, some of them listed in his commentary on observational
instruments as well. Further, Kāshī describes a sundial at an
inclined wall, a device for the determination of the afternoon prayer, and
a zarqāla, a universal astrolabe invented by Zarqālī
in 11th‐century Andalusia. Kāshī had a very positive image
of himself and told his father that he knew how to solve problems others
could not. On his father's advise, he was completely engaged in working
at the observatory, but this left him little time to do anything else.
was unaffected by the newer planetary theories of the “School of Marāgha,”
but his improvement and correction of the Īlkhānī Zīj
of Naṣīr al‐Dīn al‐Ṭūsī
is of remarkable accuracy. In the letters to his father, Kāshī
gives a unique glimpse into the court of Ulugh Beg and the observatory at
Samarqand, as well as into the work and life of a medieval astronomer.
Selected References
Bagheri, Mohammad (1997). “A Newly Found Letter of Al‐Kāshī
on Scientific Life in Samarkand.” Historia Mathematica 24: 241–256.
Hamadanizadeh, Javad (1980). “The Trigonometric Tables of al‐Kāshī
in His Zīj‐i Khāqānī.” Historia Mathematica
7: 38–45.
Kennedy, E. S. (1956).
“Parallax Theory in Islamic Astronomy.” Isis 47: 33–53. (Reprinted
in Kennedy, Studies, pp. 164–184.)
——— (1960). “A Letter
of Jamshīd al‐Kāshī to His Father: Scientific Research
and Personalities at a Fifteenth Century Court.” Orientalia 29: 191–213.
(Reprinted in Kennedy, Studies, pp. 722–744.)
——— (1960). The
Planetary Equatorium of Jamshīd Ghiyāth al‐Dīn al‐Kāshī.
Princeton: Princeton University Press.
——— (1961). “Al‐Kāshī's
Treatise on Astronomical Observational Instruments.” Journal of Near Eastern
Studies 20: 98–108. (Reprinted in Kennedy, Studies, pp. 394–404.
A facsimile edition of Kāshī's Risāla dar sharḥ‐i
ālāt‐i raṣd with translation and commentary.)
——— (1962). “A Medieval
Interpolation Scheme Using Second Order Differences.” In A Locust's Leg:
Studies in Honour of S. H. Taqizadeh, edited by W. B. Henning and E. Yarshater,
pp. 117–120. London: Percy Lund, Humphries and Co. (Reprinted in Kennedy,
Studies, pp. 522–525.)
——— (1964). “The Chinese‐Uighur
Calendar as Described in the Islamic Sources.” Isis 55: 435–443. (Reprinted
in Kennedy, Studies, pp. 652–660.)
——— (1985). “Spherical
Astronomy in Kāshī's Khāqānī Zīj.” Zeitschrift
für Geschichte der Arabisch‐Islamischen Wissenschaften 2: 1–46.
——— (1995/1996) “Treatise
V of Kāshī's Khāqānī Zīj: The Determination
of the Ascendant.” Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Arabisch‐Islamischen
Wissenschaften 10: 123–146.
——— (1998). On
the Contents and Significance of the Khāqānī Zīj by Jamshīd
Ghiyāth al‐Dīn al‐Kāshī. Islamic Mathematics
and Astronomy, Vol. 84. Frankfurt am Main: Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch‐Islamischen
Kennedy, E. S., Colleagues, and Former Students (1983). Studies
in the Islamic Exact Sciences, edited by David A. King and Mary Helen
Kennedy. Beirut: American University of Beirut.
Kennedy, E. S. and Debarnot, Marie. Thérèse (1979). “Al‐Kāshī's
Impractical Method of Determining the Solar Altitude.” Journal for the
History of Arabic Science 3: 219–227. (On the methods for the determination
of the ascendant in the fifth treatise of Kāshī's Zīj.)
Tichenor, Mark J. (1967). “Late Medieval Two‐Argument
Tables for Planetary Longitudes.” Journal of Near Eastern Studies 26:
126–128. (Reprinted in Kennedy, Studies, pp. 122–124.)