From: Thomas Hockey et al. (eds.). The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, Springer Reference. New York: Springer, 2007, pp. 1-2 |
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ʿAbbās Wasīm
Salim Aydüz
Born Bursa, (Turkey),
Died Istanbul, (Turkey),
Wasīm Efendi was a scholar who made many valuable contributions to Ottoman
astronomy. These included writing a Turkish commentary on the famous astronomical
handbook (Zīj) of Ulugh Beg
as well as translating ʿAbd
al‐Bīrjandī's work on solar and lunar
eclipses into Turkish. In addition to being an astronomer, he was a physician,
a calligrapher, and a poet; he was also a member of the Khalwatiyya and Qādiriyya
religious orders. Besides knowing Turkish, ʿAbbās Wasīm
Efendi knew a number of languages that included Arabic, Persian, Latin, French,
and ancient Greek.
Wasīm Efendi, whose father's name was ʿAbd
and whose grandfather's name was ʿAbdallāh,
was known as Kambur (Humpback) Vesim Efendi and as Dervish ʿAbbās
He pursued his education with eminent scholars; apparently his teachers appreciated
his cleverness, aptitude, and open‐minded attitude. His studies and
research took him to Damascus, to Egypt, and to Mecca and Medina (where he
performed the ḥajj or pilgrimage). Upon
his return to Istanbul, ʿAbbās
Wasīm Efendi opened a pharmacy and a clinic at the Yavuz Selīm Bazaar
in the Fatiḥ district of Istanbul, where he treated
patients for almost 40 years. He wrote and translated many works on medicine
and pharmacology, incorporating the information he obtained through his many
contacts with European physicians coming to Istanbul. From these contacts
Wasīm Efendi was able to learn Latin and French, translate Italian medical
texts into Turkish, and closely follow advancements in medical science in
Wasīm Efendi's main contribution to Ottoman astronomical literature is
his translations and commentaries. Without any doubt, his most important work
is his Turkish commentary on Ulugh Beg's Zīj (astronomical handbook),
which was originally written in Persian and was used as the main reference
book by the chief astronomers and timekeepers of the Ottoman State for their
astrological and astronomical studies. ʿAbbās
Wasīm Efendi began working on this book in 1745, at the request of the
historian and astronomer Aḥmad Miṣrī, who convinced him of the importance of a Turkish
translation. Upon completion, ʿAbbās
Wasīm Effendi presented it to the Ottoman Sultan Maḥmūd I (reigned: 17301754).
His commentary is written in clear Turkish, in the same style as Mīram
Chelebī's (died: 1525) commentary on the same work.
The examples given in the book are all based on ʿAbbās
Wasīm Effendi's own calculations for the longitude and latitude of Istanbul.
He has included findings from ancient Turkish, Hebrew, and Roman Calendars,
which were not in the original. He has also explained Ulugh Beg's method for
finding the sine of 1°, which was based on the work of Jamshīd
al‐Kāshī. One may deduce that ʿAbbās
Wasīm Effendi was interested and well‐informed on astrology since
he dedicates a separate and large section of the book to the subject.
A valuable work on solar and lunar eclipses that ʿAbbās Wasīm Efendi also translated into Turkish was Chapter
Ten of Bīrjandī's Ḥāshiyaʿala sharḥ al‐Mulakhkhaṣ
fī al‐hayʾa (which was a supercommentary on
Jaghmīnī's elementary astronomical
textbook). He titled his book Tarjamat kitāb al‐Bīrjandī
min al‐khusūf wa‐ʾl‐kusūf.
Another astronomical work concerns lunar crescent visibility, which
is important for religious observance. ʿAbbās Wasīm
Efendi also wrote a work entitled Risāla al‐wafq dealing
with prognostication and astrology.
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